Life SkillsSelf Esteem Life Skills

Awesome Personal Performance, Starts With Great Domestic Discipline

Awesome Personal Performance, Starts With Great Domestic Discipline. There is no other way to phrase this so succinctly. Domestic Discipline, of being well groomed, of present mind, with a cheerful outlook everyday, is at times a challenging subject to get right. Staying on point, with good discipline of being clean, tidy, and mentally ready for the world everyday is a discipline, that pays back everyday. Yet, driving it continually will erode you to exhaustion. That said, more than a short breather from it is far worse. Persevere with this balance to feel GREAT!

Featured image courtesy of Pixabay from Pexels.

The Exponential Scale Of Tenacity [Light] To Sloth [Dark]

You might have a hybrid working arrangement, either as an employee or as a student. You could be working from an office, factory or place of study, balanced against working from home. Some people even work from home exclusively. Or it could be that you simply struggle in the morning. If this is the case, you may often experience a temptation to avoid completely getting ready for the day. If you don’t need to go on camera for a zoom meeting just yet, and you are doing a school run without getting out of the car, and no one is likely to drop by your home, then maybe we could avoid washing our hair, doing our make over, dressing well, or even getting ready for the day at all :-D.

Slothful Tendencies Include:

  • Wearing pyjamas, or lounging clothes after starting the day, or even all day
  • Avoiding washing the face, hair, shaving, or make up
  • Avoiding a bath or shower when needed
  • Avoiding brushing hair, and cleaning teeth
  • Avoiding cleaning the dishes away, cleaning work surfaces, sinks, baths and showers
  • Avoiding making one’s ‘bed’

Getting Ready For The Day Is A State Of Mind

Of course that is not the point. Being ready for the day, is a state of mind. When we know we are presentable, clean and ready, we feel more like we can take on the world. To go further, have a car on the driveway that is fully maintained and fuelled, a fully loaded bus or train ticket, and be well versed on today’s expected weather and traffic.

Any other state of mind, is something less, and anything less, means a lower performance. In reality, if you are not spot on with being ready at the start of the day, then you are starting down the dark road towards sloth. It takes a lot of determined energy to continually be ready for the world everyday. For this reason, Build My Warrior defines the opposite of sloth as our solid friend, ‘Tenacity‘.

So taking a breather as a casual day of relaxation is a good step in the world of mindfulness. however to allow it to become a habit, is a lean towards the dark side of laziness and sloth. Pulling yourself back from sloth is hard work, and the further down this road you go, the steeper the slope is to get back up the hill. Whereas, making that smaller effort to stay in the light, up the top is much easier. So while a day off from driving personal domestic discipline is good for the soul, anything more than that is bad for the soul.

Further Study

Check out our blog post on the awesome virtue, ‘Tenacity‘.

Here is a short video from US Navy’s Admiral McRaven, with a motivational speech that sums it all up beautifully.