Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Level 4 - Love & Belonging Life skills

Level 4 of the platform, focusses on ‘Love and Belonging’. Having learned to love ourselves on level 3, self esteem, we are now ready to open our hearts, with caution where necessary, to others. 
Now that you  know how to be respectful and appreciative of yourself, you can learn to do the same for your family, friends, colleagues and strangers alike. 
So this level looks at love and belonging at every level. We begin learning on this level in our early years, as soon as we become aware that there is something else other than ourselves. 
All the same, until we only become truly successful on this level, that is in relationships outside of the self, once we have learned to hold our own on the self esteem level. 
This is proven time and time again, by those who prioritise a relationship with someone, over their own needs. Inevitably they get taken advantage of if their partner is manipulative, or if the partner is kind, they are still seen for having the low self esteem that they develop, 
So love and belonging, starts in childhood, and ends up with us developing our skills in parallel to self esteem skills. We bob back and forth in development of these 2 levels. Ultimately we end up polishing our self esteem, before we truly nail love and belonging. This can happen quite late in adulthood, proving it is never too late to go back and re-develop and refine with new wisdom.
So love and belonging, applies to family, friends, colleagues, peers, community at local, country and world level, but also kindness to strangers.
The equivalent ‘fourth’ level of the Japanese five elements, is known as ‘Wind  Element’, or ‘Fu’,. It is symbolised by the Japanese kanji, ‘風’. Wind element focuses on flow and smooth operating. 
It is easy to see how this is a community based element as we look to achieve flow and smooth balance in our relationships. This of course is something that we seek to ‘look after and care for,’ particularly in the relationships that we care most about.
The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Anahata’, which focuses on love and connection. Anahata, is known as the heart chakra. It is written in sanskrit as अनाहत
The virtues of this chakra are love, trust, healing, equanimity, compassion, connection and surrender. Clearly all tools that both wind element and anahata chakra gives us to form and maintain great relationships, with each other, and with partners, family, friends, the community, work, and with strangers. 

4. Love and belonging life skills

Level 4 - Love And Belonging Life Skills

Here we explain the Love and Belonging Life Skills, which are needed to meet the Love and Belonging Needs on Maslow’s Hierarchy

Level 4 - Love And Belonging 'Survival' Life Skills

Here we explain the Love and Belonging Life Skills, which are useful for surviving and thriving, in relationships. These could be used in your relationships with your spouse, partners, family, friendships or community. Some of these BLOGS will describe techniques, and some will describe perspectives to support life skills.

Level 4 - Love And Belonging Life Skills

Check out our love and belonging memes here.

Level 4 - Wind Element - Fu - 風

Learn from Element Wind, which in Japanese is known as Fu, symbolised by the kanji 

Level 4 - Anahata Chakra - अनाहत

Blog posts on this study area will be provided in the future when ready and verified.