Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Level 7 - Self Actualisation Life skills

Level 7 of the platform, focusses on ‘Self Actualisation’. This is the level where all life skills and virtues integrate together, to give rise to a state of being complete, and rounded in every aspect. This is the goal that we want to get to, in terms of build your inner warrior, go home complete.

Proficiency on this level, means a great level of demonstrable ability and achievement, not to others, but to yourself.

Imagine being that person, who can handle life, by walking with calm and ease, knowing that no matter what happens, you have the capability to come thorough relatively intact. It does not mean being perfect, but you will have enough about you, such that you know what to do, when to do it, and can evolve a strategy to come through almost every time.

This level explores the reality that there are many entities and systems which are something other than  the previous five.

For some religions, it is about the existence and connection with god, or gods, through faith. For some it is about a cosmic existence based on a connection with the spiritual level of the animal and plant based souls of our planet and the energetic or prana that binds them.

The equivalent ‘seventh’ level of the elements, is known as ‘Thought  Element’. I am still researching this element, and would appreciate some support. From my martial art studies, the phrase ‘Dai Kômyô’, seems  to bear a lot of relevance. It translates approximately into ‘Great Bright Light’. It is symbolised by the Japanese kanji ‘大光明‘.

The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Sahasrara’, which focuses on connection to spirit and wisdom. The Sahasrara chakra is known as the crown chakra. It is written in sanskrit as सहस्रार

Both of these systems at this level guide the idea that, all of the self comes together to achieve things on a much greater.

Everything that we have learned to date, have prepared us for this level. Having all of our physical world, our cognitive and mental clarity world, and our calm mental clarity in check, so that we are ready to ascend the mind to a higher plain, and come back again.


Sahasrara, teaches us the virtues of Unity, wisdom, awareness, intelligence, understanding, miracles and bliss.

7. Self-actualisation life skills

Level 7 - Self Actualisation Life Skills

Here we explain Self Actualisation Life Skills, which are needed to meet the Self Actualisation Needs on Maslow’s Hierarchy.

Level 7 - Thought Element = 大光明

Learn from Element Thought, which in Japanese for now we will regard as Dai Kômyô using the kanji 大光明

Level 7 - Sahasrara Chakra - सहस्रार

Blog posts on this study area will be provided in the future when ready and verified.