Friday, February 21, 2025

How To Become Your Inner Warrior

"Overcome Life's Challenges With Ease By Developing Core Virtues And Life Skills"

Understand how to unlock your inner warrior and become your own hero!!”

I am proud to introduce Build My Warrior as a full system of personal development modules. We have all seen the many memes and topics of advice online. Some are one liners, that we see on social media. Often topped up with a very brief explanation. Some are larger topics backed up by books and training videos.

However, I have rarely seen a full system, where this great advice is laid out in a structured network with context. Consequently, it can be really difficult for learners to see the proverbial big picture of how to use all of it together as a system. 

Personally, I have always wanted to review a map of all of life’s teachings, and then score my own strengths and weaknesses, so that I can focus my attention on the areas that need more work. 

In this way, self development becomes a moment of unending clarity. Like many people, over the years I have studied, many methods of learning and approaching life, but unlike many, I have contextualised them into a network, using the well know Hierarchy of Needs, as developed by Abraham Maslow. 

As a martial artist, I also had a chance to look at the five element system, which turned out to be the 7 elements, and unsurprisingly has a lot of similarities to Maslow’s system. 

Then I looked at the Chakra system, which again, has many parallel lines, and tells us in a similar way how to build ourselves up from root level to the top of what we can achieve. 

So over the course of the next 12 months, I will build a library of training blogs and videos, on virtues and life skills, which are needed to find balance, through thorough self development, using the teachings of 3 systems. By combining all of these great systems together, 

I am ready to begin bringing you a chance to, overcome life’s challenges with ease, by developing core virtues and life skills. Join me on my journey of discovery to share in this great knowledge. Understand how to unlock your inner warrior and become your own hero!!

Build My Warrior has 4 levels of support:

  – Short form study material, available on the website and social media, as written notes, images and videos.
 – Long Form study material, available on the website in blog format, with embedded YouTube videos
 – Full form study material, which is available to purchase
  – Lessons with supporting sessions, to assist on a more tailored format

Whatever, you need, I hope that you will find it at Build My Warrior. If you can’t please let me know, so that I can fil that gap, or help you to find a way.

I wish you the best of luck in your studies.
Please know that I am here if you need me



Hierarchy of life skills and parallel systems

Level 1 of the platform, focusses on Maslow’s ‘Physiological Life Skills’. These are the life skills that allow us to fulfil the needs prescribed by Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, at the most basic, and absolutely essential level. If these needs are not met, human survival is not possible.

Air, warmth, water, food, shelter and homeostasis, are all constituent parts of the Physiological Level, and we are going to practice the life skills which are required to meet physiological needs.  The needs are listed in the order of need, in that you will perish from a lack of air before you perish from a lack of warmth.

Homeostasis is any self-regulating process, by which an organism tends to maintain stability, while adjusting to conditions that are best for it’s survival. Without homeostasis, the organism will not survive.

Build My Warrior focusses on the life skills needed to fulfil these needs. Of course there are differing situations, from everyday life’s challenges to put food on the table, to how to provide food in the wilds of the desert, glaciers, ocean and jungles and other challenging environments.

There are 2 complimentary systems, with equivalent base levels, which sit in parallel, to the hierarchy of needs. These are the Japanese Five Elements system, and the Chakra system.

The equivalent ‘base’ level of the Japanese five elements, is known as ‘Earth Element’, also known as ‘Chi.’ It is symbolised by the Japanese kanji, ‘’. It focusses on standing one’s ground, in a basic form of defence.

The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Muladhara’, which focusses on physical existence, and is know as the root support chakra. It is written in sanskrit as मूलाधार.

Both of these deal with basic needs and require basic skills to be successful in survival. Remember that basic and simple are not the same as easy. In many ways this basic foundation level in life is indeed the toughest.

Therefore, they offer the opportunity to develop the virtues of ‘Patience, Tenacity, Stability’ and many others.


Level 2 of the platform, focusses on ‘Safety & security Life Skills’. This group of life skills tool us up to fulfil the needs prescribed by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, at the ‘Protecting Level.’ In other words, now that we have what we need to survive, how do we ensure that we keep hold of it all, and ensure it is available to us in the future.

In ancient times, when humankind lived in tribal caves, the skills needed would have looked more brutal than those which most households need in a more modern world today, but either way, the skills are based around the need for Safety and Security. We can think of this in the sense of personal, family and friend. All of these 3 can be affected by physical and psychological threats, both in person and online.

 The equivalent ‘second’ level of the Japanese five elements, is known as ‘Water Element’, also known as ‘Sui’, which is symbolised by the by the kanji, ‘’.

It focuses on responding with power and direction. Therefore, water element teaches us that we can respond and protect, as a progression from surviving the moment through harmonious adaptation.


The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Svadhisthana’, which focuses on emotions and intimacy. Svadhisthana teaches us that emotions and intimacy, drive the urges to look after what we have together.

In this way we look to grow the community, to celebrate and be safe in numbers. It is known as the sacral chakra. It is written in sanskrit as स्वाधिष्ठान.

Both of these systems at this level, deal with protection by safety and security of the basic needs on level 1.  Success on this level needs a good level of proficiency on level 1, such that one has time to step back and look at where threats come from, and so prepare and be ready.


The virtues of this chakra are, joy, creativity, adaptability, sensuality, fertility, pleasure and sexuality.


Level 3 of the platform, focusses on ‘Self Esteem’. Proficiency on this level opens the gateway to all other levels beyond it. Therefore we must learn to fulfil the needs prescribed by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, at what is in effect the ‘Believing In Yourself Level.’

In actual fact Maslow pitched the self-esteem level one up from here, after Love and Belonging. However the Build My Warrior System pitches it before love and belonging. We have all heard the phrase ‘you need to learn to believe in yourself, so that others can believe in you?’ Similarly, we have to be able to love ourselves, such that others can love us back. By switching these two around, (self esteem is at level 3  not 4), Maslow’s system aligns very well with the Chakra and Element systems.

After the other two basic levels, this is the next most essential level. Without it, almost everything above it starts to crack and topple. Therefore, it needs to be maintained daily. Focussing on the self too much or too little can have adverse effects too, so getting it right is just as important. One of the virtues that will help with this, it is ‘mental clarity.’

The equivalent ‘third’ level of the Japanese five elements, is known as ‘Fire  Element’, or ‘Ka’. It is symbolised by the Japanese kanji ‘’.


Fire element teaches us that we can act first with all of our qualities in line. Therefore, believing in ourselves, opens the door to achieving. It focuses on attack with gusto and confidence.’

The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Manipura’, which focuses on power and identity. The Manipura chakra is known as the navel chakra. It is written in Sanskrit as मणिपूर

Both of these systems at this level guide the idea that, attack is the best form of self defence in every way. Going into a social setting with an extrovertly confident, bright and cheerful outlook is as much fire element as attacking before your opponent attacks you. Either settings, mean that you go in with positivity, pushing for a great result.


Manipura teaches us much the same, through the virtues of confidence, charisma, strength of will, humour, leadership and mental clarity.

Level 4 of the platform, focusses on ‘Love and Belonging’. Having learned to love ourselves on level 3, self-esteem, we are now ready to open our hearts, with caution where necessary, to others.

Now that you know how to be respectful and appreciative of yourself, you can learn to do the same for your family, friends, colleagues and strangers alike.

So this level looks at love and belonging at every level. We begin learning on this level in our early years, just as soon as we become aware that there is something else other than ourselves. It is important to learn to hold our own, and protect our own self esteem, and the love and belonging level is in the earlier days a training ground for this. Certainly in the playground, and with siblings if have them. Any lessons missed here, or any abuse tolerated here at a young age, must be learned in adulthood, for one’s own well being.

This is proven time and time again, by those who prioritise a relationship with someone, over their own needs. Inevitably if the partner is unkind, they get taken advantage of. Or if the partner is kind, they may find help and support, for having the low self-esteem that they developed.

So love and belonging, starts in childhood, and ends up with us developing our skills in parallel to self-esteem skills. We bob back and forth in development of these 2 levels. Ultimately we end up polishing our self-esteem, before we truly get it right with love and belonging. This can happen quite late in adulthood, proving it is never too late to go back and re-develop and refine with new wisdom.


So love and belonging, applies to family, friends, colleagues, peers, community at local, country and world level, but also kindness to strangers.

The equivalent ‘fourth’ level of the Japanese five elements, is known as ‘Wind  Element’, or ‘Fu’,. It is symbolised by the Japanese kanji, ‘’. Wind element focuses on flow and smooth operating.

It is easy to see how this is a community based element as we look to achieve flow and smooth balance in our relationships. This of course is something that we seek to ‘look after and care for,’ particularly in the relationships that we care most about.

The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Anahata’, which focuses on love and connection. Anahata, is known as the heart chakra. It is written in Sanskrit as अनाहत.


The virtues of this chakra are love, trust, healing, equanimity, compassion, connection and surrender. Clearly all tools that both wind element and Anahata chakra gives us to form and maintain great relationships, with each other, and with partners, family, friends, the community, work, and with strangers. 

Level 5 of the platform, focusses on ‘Cognitive’ life skills. Through methodology, experience, strategy and wisdom, we can learn to be ‘clever’ in our judgement and approach, such that we improve and ‘polish’ our performance.

In fact, on reflection, so far we have established a solid foundation at a physiological level to support survival. Then we have protected everything for the longer term on the safety and security level. After that we built a strong foundation of self belief, but without over emphasising our ego, on the self esteem level. Finally to reach here, we built a great community of relationships on the love and belonging level. So where next?

Well, now that we are successful on an physical and emotional level, we need to maximise our full potential on the cognitive level.

Cognitive abilities, differ from intelligence, in that they are brain based skills and mental processes. These are the life skills that we will develop, in order to thrive better than before at this essential level.

As a leader, amongst family, friends, colleagues or as a parent, this level will earn you respect and recognition. It is important to maintain even humility when you demonstrate successful outcomes, to maximise this respect.

The equivalent ‘fifth’ level of the Japanese five elements, is known as ‘void Element,’ or ‘Ku.’ It is symbolised by the Japanese Kanji, ‘’. Void element is a coming together of all of the elements and a being able to deploy all skills at will.

 An artful description would be:

I am big,  I am small

I am hot, I am cold

I am North, I am South

I am in heaven, I am on earth

I am here, I am nowhere

Fight? There is no fight

There is only peace, use your cognition to find a way forward for all!


The equivalent of the chakra system is called ‘Vishuddha’, which focusses on self-expression and life purpose. It is know as the ‘throat’ chakra. It is written in Sanskrit as विशुद्ध. The virtues of this chakra are, truth, purpose, expression, synchronicity and communication.


Level 6 of the platform, focusses on ‘Aesthetics’. This is an opportunity to develop aptitude in mental clarity and then go on to address perception and a level of understanding of all that is around us in the bigger picture. It is the level which allows us to differentiate between how others perceive us, ‘reputation’, and what we know about ourselves, ‘self perception.’

To truly excel on the aesthetic level, we need to have all of the previous levels resolved in our own minds, at a competent level. Ideally, we can operate on a sub-conscious auto-pilot mode, on levels 1 to 5. This gives us the headspace for mental clarity and perception.

Level 6 Aesthetic skills is a pre-runner to being ready on the next level, which is self actualisation where we look beyond the self and our surroundings to a spiritual world of existence.

The equivalent ‘sixth’ level of the elements is beyond the wider known boundaries of what many call the ‘Five Elements’. It  is called ‘Light Element’, and runs far deeper than any of the others. While there is no specific element widely written about at this level, Hikari , appears to be a great candidate. Hikari is about light and hope, and this is so relevant and essential for all warriors and warrior communities.

In many stories and beliefs, we find readings of ‘light’ and ‘dark.’ By seeking the light in all that we do, on the previous 5 levels, we can develop hope in the present and the future, on the sixth level element.

The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Ajna’, which focuses on perception and spirituality. Ajna, is known as the third eye chakra. It is written in sanskrit as आज्ञा.

Ajna supports us on the aesthetic level to harbour a deep and ‘Commanding’ understanding of ‘Perception’.

The virtues of this chakra are vision, intuition, dreams, insight, perception, equanimity, (balance) and clairvoyance. All of these virtues, are closely linked to opening the third eye chakra.


 Achievement on this level has little to do with anything physical or the community, and yet all of these things need to be in balance, or at the very least within reasonable boundaries of acceptable control. Great personal discipline is needed, with considerable concentration, yet a relaxed state of mind.

Level 7 of the platform, focusses on ‘Self Actualisation’. This is the level where all life skills and virtues integrate together, to give rise to a state of being complete, and rounded in every aspect. This is the goal that we want to get to, in terms of ‘build your inner warrior, go home complete.’

Proficiency on this level, requires a great level of demonstrable ability and achievement, not to others, but to yourself.

Imagine being that person, who can handle life, by walking with calm and ease, knowing that no matter what happens, you have the capability to come thorough relatively intact. It does not mean being perfect, but you will have enough about you, such that you know what to do, when to do it, and can evolve a strategy to come through almost every time.

This level explores the reality that there are many entities and systems which are something other than the previous six.

For some religions, it is about the existence and connection with god, or gods, through faith. For some it is about a cosmic existence based on a connection with the spiritual level of the animal and plant-based souls of our planet and the energetic or prana that binds them.

The equivalent ‘seventh’ level of the elements, is known as ‘Thought Element’. I am still researching this element, and would appreciate supporting opinions and knowldge.

 From my martial art studies, the phrase ‘Dai Kômyô’, seems to bear a lot of relevance. It translates approximately into ‘Great Bright Light’. It is symbolised by the Japanese kanji ‘大光明‘.

The equivalent of the chakra system is called is ‘Sahasrara’, which focuses on connection to spirit and wisdom. The Sahasrara chakra is known as the crown chakra. It is written in sanskrit as सहस्रार.

Both of these systems at this level guide the idea that, all of the self comes together to achieve something which is greater than the sum of it’s parts.

Everything that we have learned to date, have prepared us for this level. Having all of our physical world, our cognitive and mental clarity world, working together, in an integrated way, so that we are ready to ascend the mind to a higher plain, and come back again.


Sahasrara, teaches us the virtues of Unity, wisdom, awareness, intelligence, understanding, miracles and bliss.


Coming soon…