Saturday, February 22, 2025

Level 3 - Self Esteem skills

Level 3 of the platform, focusses on ‘Self Esteem’. Proficiency on this level opens the gateway to all other levels beyond it. Therefore we must learn to fulfil the needs prescribed by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, at what is in effect the ‘Believing In Yourself Level.’ 
In actual fact Maslow pitched the self esteem level one up from here, after Love and Belonging. However the Build My Warrior System pitches it before love and belonging. We have all heard the phrase ‘you need to learn to believe in yourself, so that others can believe in you?’ This is why, this the way.  
It also allows the hierarchy to align much closer, with the five elements system and the chakra system.
After the other two basic levels, this is the next most essential level. Without it, almost everything above it starts to crack and topple. Therefore, it needs to be maintained daily. Focussing on the self too much or too little can have adverse effects too, so getting it right is just as important. We will help you to get this right.
The equivalent ‘third’ level of the Japanese five elements, is known as ‘Fire  Element’, or ‘Ka’. It is symbolised by the Japanese kanji ‘火’.
Fire element teaches us that we can can act first with all of our qualities in line. Therefore, believing in ourselves, opens the door to achieving. It focuses on attack with gusto and confidence.’ 
The equivalent of the chakra system is called is  ‘Manipura’, which focuses on power and identity. The Manipura chakra is known as the navel chakra. It is written in sanskrit as मणिपूर
Both of these systems at this level guide the idea that, attack is the best form of self defence in every way. Going into a social setting with a confident bright and cheerful outlook is as much fire element as attacking before your opponent attacks you. Either settings, mean that you go in with positivity, pushing for a great result.
 Manipura teaches us very much the same, advocating the virtues confidence, charisma, strength of will, humour, leadership and mental clarity. 

3. Self esteem life skills

Level 3 - Self Esteem Life Skills

Here we explain the Self Esteem Life Skills, which are needed to meet the Self Esteem Needs on Maslow’s Hierarchy

Level 3 - Fire Element - Ka - 火

Learn from Element Fire, which in Japanese is known as Ka, symbolised by the kanji 

Level 3 - Manipura Chakra - मणिपूर

Blog posts on this study area will be provided in the future when ready and verified.

Level 3 - Self Esteem meme

Here you will find great memes or wise words relating to self esteem. A good place to start if you are looking for a boost to how you are feeling, or a more positive outlook.