TENACITY, The Virtue Of Strong, Robust Warriors
Do You Ever Ask Yourself is ‘TENACITY, The Virtue Of Strong, Robust Warriors?’
Simon’s definition
Tenacity is defined by ‘Build My Warrior’ as the following. ‘Determined perseverance, deployed over a long period of time to deliver a result, in the face of adversity’. The longer in time that you exert your determination over, the more tenacious you are. Therefore, tenacity is a virtue which must be demonstrated, to be able claim it. Does this answer your question, is ‘TENACITY, The Virtue Of Strong, Robust Warriors?’
‘Determined perseverance, deployed over a long period of time to deliver a result, in the face of adversity’
Why Do I Have My Own Definition?
I was very surprised, even somewhat alarmed, not to find a logical definition of tenacity on the internet, that I was happy with. So, I evolved my own definition, based on my own encounter, with my own tenacity, which of course I found within myself.
My Tenacity Journey
I earned myself a role, working for a world-renowned Engineering company from 2005 to 2011. I found myself, on a very, very long deep investigative development journey. My team had discovered a truth about the product that we were manufacturing, in that it did not, and could never perform to specification, (as sold to many customers).. This truth was somewhat inconvenient to the holding company. You see, it was underperforming against its specification as sold to customers. While they did not know this, were selling millions a year to them.
Therefore, from a political perspective, to ‘investigate’ and truly solve the problem based on ‘truth’, was a very contentious and uneasy project. I had to ensure that our work was based only on honesty and factors which needed to be put right. That meant taking the company through a journey, which would allow us to collect data, view, opinions and stories. This was fed through a six-sigma project which acted as a filter, based on ‘accept reject or consider’. When we had finished the project, we had a full account of what had gone wrong in the company to get to that situation.
The Outcome
Ultimately the final source of the original problem came down to a flawed design, from an overseas design, that was pushed by an excite executive board, against the will of the Engineers who conceived it. Perhaps the final confirmation, was to persuade the senior executive, to sign a concession form, to accept responsibility for shipment of faulty parts.
First Tenacity Badge Earned
I dutifully delivered this to our Senior Quality Engineer, who then declared me ‘Of great tenacity.’ I asked this true gentleman what was it that I did, for him to recognise me as tenacious? And he replied, ‘well Simon you set a task, and you stick with it, with unfaltering determination, until you eventually got to the truth. It took you a ‘bloody long time’, and you never once showed any sign of giving up.
So it was from this moment on, that I have understood, that tenacity means, ‘determined perseverance, deployed over a long period of time.’
Other Sources – TENACITY, The Virtue Of Strong, Robust Warriors!
Future Sub-Topics That Will Be Added
How Can I Develop My Tenacity?
Leaders With Great Tenacity
Which Element Is The Virtue Tenacity Associated With?
Further Reading on BuildMyWarrior.com
If Ever There Was A Virtue Dictionary, Here It Is → BuildMyWarrior