Remarkable Reasons Why My Business Will Transcend In 2024!
Today, I want to discuss 3 ‘Remarkable Reasons Why My Business Will Transcend In 2024!’ 1. A lifetime of research, 2. Gap in the market, 3. Content Positioning.
When you are launching a business, you have to develop a mantra, and say it to yourself everyday. My mantra is that ‘My Business Will Transcend In 2024’.
In any business, particularly at the build up to launch, it is imperative, for the founder-promoter, to be super confident that it will succeed. This is what drives you to keep going during the most uncertain phase. Much like take off being the most uncertain and risky phase of flight for an aircraft. The build up and launch of a business is the most uncertain and riskiest for a business. If you are the founder, then you must show that you truly believe in it’s future.
But where do you get that solid confidence from? Well I am preparing to launch my business, and guess what? I have done my homework on three areas. Therefore, I am solidly confident that my business will indeed succeed in 2024.
So here in more detail, are my top three ‘Remarkable Reasons Why My Business Will Transcend In 2024!’

Remarkable Reason 1 – A Lifetime Of Research – Say It….My Business Will Transcend In 2024
I have spent a lifetime, researching my businesses knowledge base. Finally I have it. A full system for personal development, that hangs together to deliver YOU as a fully rounded person. It has taken me a life time to research and fathom, but it is here. It works, and I am now excited to be embarking on delivery, brick by brick.
How did I get to this stage?
This Has Been A Long Time Coming, And Is The Real Deal
From my early teens, I realised that I see life differently and question how it fits together, more so than most people. Where my peers would miss details and gloss over, I was more concerned with the ‘WHY?’ in life. Looking to understand how situations and facts about the way of the world, sit together, questioning why and not settling for an answer that I did not believe. These have always been the kind of things that I pondered over, and looked into rather deeply. Things such as:
- how does a person, get to this bad or good outcome, how big and small phrases and actions affect the outcome
- the background of stories in the news, and understanding there is no good and bad side, just opposing views
- looking at the idea that everyone has a story around why they turned out as they did, good or bad
- paying greater interest and attention to the bigger picture of effects on the world
- Understanding the significance of events, and how a strategy might play out
- how lives of the people that I know play out and why?

Photo by fauxels
Hierarchy Of Virtues, Life Skills And Parallel Systems
Therefore, when I look at people in the workplace, and in their personal lives, I see how most appear and feel prepared. But, I also see how all of us, myself included, have gaps, that leave us at risk when inevitably in life, things go wrong. It’s a bit like hiking a mountain, with ‘most of the equipment that you need.’ If you forget your Woolley jumper, and the day is warm, you’ll be fine. But, if the weather changes, and you become stranded, you will need virtues and life skills to pull through to find warmth and comfort in safety.
That is where we all need a structured approach to personal development.

Build My Warrior, is a full system, based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Indian Chakra, The Five Elements, and the Kuji In system.
They all work in the same way as parallel systems. Unlike a bag of memes and productivity techniques, saved over time, they all deliver you as a fully rounded individual. Warrior spirit adds grit and deep soulful meaning to glue it all together.
My Business Will Transcend In 2024
So I mean it when I say it, with solid confidence, that my business will thrive in 2024, as I have done my homework.
I want all of you to benefit from my hard work!
Remarkable Reason 2 – Gap In The Market – Say It….My Business Will Transcend In 2024
There is a very relevant gap in the market. My instinct tells me that I have got my research, on point and readied up, (in the point above), at just the right time. I know this is truly the right time, because I see the evidence everyday. Yet, I cannot quantify it as data. If I had data, I would be more at ease, but I just don’t have it in a quantifiable format. For a methodical Engineer such as myself, that is a problem. Therefore, I have to programme myself through a degree of spirituality, to have faith, that there is indeed, ‘A very relevant gap in the market.’
Yes you read that correctly. As I type this section, I am fully aware that I am using faith alone. I do not have any data to back up my statement, when I tell you. ‘There is a very relevant gap in the market’, but there is.
So where am I seeing this evidence?
- Everyday, on Linked-In when I read posts about self development
- When I read about productivity courses, in google adverts, on YouTube, and in online brochures
- I hear it amongst my colleagues, friends and family, when we discuss the need for structured self development, that builds robust mental health
So, What Is The Gap?
Well, the gap is simply this. There are a lot of self development hints and tips out there, BUT, none of it is assembled together into a logical ‘SYSTEM’. Therefore, when you collect it by screen shots, print outs, play lists of videos, notes in your book, etc, it feels useful. But, it does not make sense when you try to see it all at once in a big picture. As we all collect hints, tips and memes as notes and screenshots, you end up with a big bah of jigsaw pieces that could maybe fit together, but will not make a fathomable picture.
Therefore, my concept is to assemble training modules in the realm of self development, together onto a hierarchical tree, that makes logical sense.
As I said before, I have identified four pre-existing systems, that work together as a set in parallel.
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which I will adopt as Simon’s Hierarchy of Virtues & Life Skills, that satisfies these needs
- The Chakra system, of which there are 7 commonly known levels, plus a further 6 that are less well known
- The Five Elements, and we will look also at elements 6 and 7
- Kuji In, which aligns less well than the others, but is essential all the same

Photo by Sudip Shrestha
Remarkable Reason 3 – Content Positioning – Say It….My Business Will Transcend In 2024
I have developed like skills, to position it’s content, and I have a Unique selling Point, that no one else can deliver
My Content Delivery Life Skills Developed For This Platform – My Business Will Transcend In 2024
I came into the world of social media influence, as an Engineer and Project Manager. Therefore, content positioning for efficient production and delivery, is not a natural set of life skills for me. I have some strong virtues and useful pre-skills for it, but I have largely had to research, learn and teach myself from the ground up. So in August of 2023, I set about learning from the best influencers that I could find. I studied night after night from August to January 2024, looking at techniques, styles and above all, I looked at methodologies.
From this, I crafted an assembly of 3 methodologies and one style.
Here are the 8 most significant video recordings from my studies. I am eternally grateful to these very clever people.
Meet the YouTuber Who Solved Shorts (Jenny Hoyos Interviewed by Jay Clouse) – LINK
The Best-Selling Title Formula: How to Name Your Channel, Book or Video with the Perfect Title, (Rory Vaden interviewed by Sean Cannell) – LINK
3 Powerful Secret Ingredients for Connecting with Your Audience (Colin Boyd interviewed by Sean Cannell)- LINK
If I Wanted to Grow An Audience in 2024, I’d Do This, (by Ali Abdaal) – LINK
How I Started My YouTube Channel in My Spare Time(by Ali Abdaal) – LINK
How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure | TED – LINK
How to avoid death By PowerPoint | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholmSalon – LINK
MrBeast Shares His Best YouTube Advice – LINK
Ex-YouTube Employee Exposes How To Grow YouTube Channel – LINK
After studying these great sources of knowledge, kindly provided by these awesome experts, I assembled all of what I had learned into a process document. I use the document, to perfectly pitch most of my content such as blogs vlogs, (videos), articles, and courses for maximum potential reach and profit. If you want to benefit in the same way that I am doing so, through a number of sessions online with me, please do get in touch right away. I am waiting to hear from you. Contact Me.

My Unique Selling Point – My Business Will Transcend In 2024
I am ,like every one of the 7+ billion people on planet Earth, extremely unique. It can say with confidence, that if someone else, was to take my business idea, and my system of laying out the training topics, there is no way, that anyone could achieve the same result. It simply would not translate into the same high quality material.
When you watch a film director at work, you see someone who has a conceptual idea in their mind of what they want to see, hear and feel on the screen. They then translate that into instructions to the actors, film crew, special effects crews, props crews, make up artists, sound crews, writers and so on, to convey their vision, into the intended reality.
My work on this platform is much the same. I am the one person with a vision of what Build My Warrior is about. If anyone was to take my idea, and build it for their own means, well good luck to them. I might even give some support and tips. However, I can say with great confidence, that it will not be as accurate to the single source of truth that I have for this platform. Everyone has an un-copy-able style of writing and creating, which they and only they can deliver.
So it is on it’s way. Today, I have explained 3 ‘Remarkable Reasons Why My Business Will Transcend In 2024!’
1. A lifetime of research,
2. Gap in the market,
3. Content Positioning.
Please be sure to check back regularly for great content and support, on your personal development journey